PM Kishida for President
April 15 2024 | Washington D.C. ………. Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, addressed a rare Joint Session of U.S. Congress Thursday April 11 2024; convening two thirds of the whole Government and 100% of two branches, Judicial and Legislative, where all Supreme Court Justices, U.S. Senators and Congressional Representatives were present, as one body; to hear PM Kishida speak ………. “It is good to be in the “Citadel of Democracy” as Japan is a “Long and Close Friend of the United States”. We are gifting “250 new Cherry trees to the U.S. marking 250 years of United States Independence and Freedom and as a Champion of Freedom, Democracy and Prosperity for All” .......... “U.S. policy is based on humanity, certainly not a suppressive surveillance State", because “Freedom is the oxygen of humanity and Japan thanks you for this. The whole world thanks you." ……….. "As the Global South is rising, playing a larger role in the world, the Ukraine of today may be the East Asia of tomorrow". “Oppression and oppression by totalitarian regimes threaten our very Freedom of today. The People of Japan are with the United States, and all Friends, to ensure the survival of Liberty for All People. No one in the Global South wants a controlled, suppressed, surveilled society for us, our children, or our posterity. The Democratic Nations of the world must have all hands on deck standing shoulder to shoulder with the United States and that the expanding reach of united Democracies is growing stronger than ever; especially in the Global South. Japan will continue to stand with Ukraine and will remain the largest foreign investor in the United States for the foreseeable future”, concluding with, ”Capitalist societies grow faster, longer and stronger than repressive regime countries”. “This is a fact” .......... ///////// “This was said by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida” April 11 2024
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