2. China Case Study 2: Resignation Audit finds Employee stole trade secrets

China: 2. Case 2: The resignation exit interview found that the company's information had been removed/stolen in violation of the law................ BACKGROUND: A foreign company executive offered to resign. During an exit interview, the HR department found the employee behaving in an unusual manner. The company thought to start a digital investigation of the employees electronic systems, records and communications…………….. Investigation PROCESS: The use of forensic analysis tools on the executive's computer hard drive preserved evidence. Through system log and behavioral trace analysis on the employee computers, the inspection found that the executive in the days before the resignation copied a large amount of information to a personal mobile hard drive. Copying data to a personal mobile hard drive is forbidden and the the Legal Department stepped in to assist in the investigation. Through interviews, the employee admitted that the actions did occur, but the unauthorized data will not be used in the same industry, just as a personal data storage............... Investigation RESULTS: Through the analysis of the computer hard disk data of the departing employee, it was found that the employee had acted in a non-compliant manner before he submitted his resignation, and stopped the leakage of trade secret data in a timely manner. info@amerasiacompany.com

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